Mae’s Mission (Part 1)
Written by Mike Szklanny

On May 20th, 2023, I embarked on a life-changing journey: I applied to Alpha Bravo Canine and began the process of requesting a service dog to help with my PTSD, panic attacks, and anxiety. The application process was thorough and emotional, but when you need help, sometimes you just have to take the leap. For years, I tried to manage my battles on my own. I prided myself on my resilience, but eventually, I hit a wall. The VA, despite my best efforts, wasn’t able to provide the support I desperately needed. Appointments were canceled or rescheduled multiple times, leaving me feeling frustrated and abandoned. After a year of struggles, I decided to explore alternative options. That’s when I discovered Alpha Bravo Canine.
I submitted my application, and after an arduous screening process, medical documentation reviews, and multiple trips to Philadelphia, I was partnered with Mae, a beautiful black lab. I swear she disappears in the night. She’s so dark I had to get her an LED collar just to see her! Mae and I officially began training together in October 2024. To say the process was exhausting would be an understatement. For close to 10 days, Mae and I worked with Jennifer, our trainer, every single day. Half of our time was spent in the classroom, while the other half was dedicated to practical applications—visiting stores, restaurants, and everything in between.
Knowing my lifestyle needs, I often chose the more difficult path, knowing that our new bond would require us to trust each other in new and challenging situations. This approach wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. We went to areas I was uncomfortable, that challenged myself, and that challenged Mae. Together, we began building our relationship, our trust, our new life.
Adjusting to Our New Life
Adjusting to life with a service dog has been a humbling experience. While I thought I was prepared, the reality was an entirely new world. The past weeks have been filled with ups and downs, countless lessons, and moments of triumph (and failure) as Mae and I worked to become a team. Building our bond has required patience, effort, and countless moments of discovery. And still does!!!! It’s not a connection that forms overnight. There were bumps along the road as we learned to understand each other’s needs and communication styles. Life doesn’t pause for these adjustments, so we had to figure things out on the go. But now, I can confidently say we’re stronger for it.
Sometimes I like to take a step back and think…’What is Mae thinking?’.
The Challenge of International Travel
Within 6 weeks of being a new team, we embarked on travel to Norway on one of our biggest challenges yet. Preparing for the trip was an intense. Navigating the paperwork felt like an enigma, and the costs added up to about $700. The journey itself was nerve-wracking: a 6.5-hour flight out and a 9-hour return flight. Surprisingly, the travel turned out to be the easiest part.
The event in Norway was a whirlwind. It spanned seven days, featured over 500 live attendees, and was filled with high-energy, fast-paced activity. Mae’s role was to keep me grounded, while mine was to ensure she was well rested and loved through the process. The great news is, everyone loved Mae…The bad news…They all loved her! Dog people are dog people, they all want to pet, cuddle, baby talk, etc. And it was definitely a learning experience in how to temper expectations with colleagues and patrons.
Mae’s Incredible Instincts
One moment during the trip enlightened me on just how incredible Mae is. I was in a deep discussion with a Norwegian reporter about Afghanistan and my experiences during the war. As the conversation grew, I became more animated. I started fidgeting and raising my voice without even realizing it. Mae, with her observation, stood up, gently nudged me, and pulledmy focus away from the conversation. At first, I was confused by her behavior, but then it clicked: she was grounding me, pulling me back from a spiral of anxiety. Her intervention allowed me to reset, calm down, and continue the day with a clearer head. Ironically, that same reporter came back to me later that day to talk. He noticed this behavior too and wanted to let me know that she was truly amazing. I think she is too!
Moments like these remind me that while Mae is here to care for me, it’s equally important that I care for her. This relationship is a two-way street, built on love, trust, and mutual understanding. Every day, I’m learning to read her signals better and to meet her halfway in this partnership. Mae isn’t just a service dog; she’s my teammate and a critical part of my journey.
Advice for Veterans
To any veteran considering a service dog, my advice is this: you might think you’re ready, but there will be challenges you don’t anticipate—and that’s okay. This process takes time, effort, and an openness to learning. It’s not just about what the dog can do for you; it’s about what you can accomplish together. The bond you build will be unlike anything else, but it requires daily commitment and care.
Mae and I are just getting started on this adventure. While the road ahead will undoubtedly have more challenges, I feel incredibly blessed to have her by my side. Here’s to many more adventures to come.