Apply For Your Service Dog Today!

Service Dog Application
***Please submit a copy of your DD214, all medical records related to your disability, and reference letters by your mental health provider and additional reference by emailing [email protected]. Or Supporting documentation can also be mailed to Alpha Bravo Canine™ PO Box 16030 Bucks County, Pennsylvania PA 19114 within two weeks of submission of application or your application will be removed. ***
For owner train dogs, please email us for more information***
Please note that your completed application does not guarantee you will receive a service dog. You will be notified via email your the status of your application.
Alpha Bravo Canine gives equal consideration to all applicants, regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, or age.
Applicants and clients may leave the process at any time for any reason
Applicants and clients are not be required to participate in fund raising or public relations activities
Minimum Qualifications:
To qualify for an Alpha Bravo Canine® service dog:
- You MUST be a U.S. military veteran. You cannot be currently on active duty or discharged within six months.
- You must live in a permanent residence for at least 12 months prior to submitting your application. If you are currently living within an inpatient setting you do not qualify to apply at this time.
- You must be able to provide a stable, safe environment for our dog which includes love, exercise, medical care and food, and ongoing training.
- Service dogs are provided to veterans with combat-related disabilities only at this time.
- Service dogs do not take the place of your mental health provider, however, they are used in combination as part of your treatment plan.
- This application does not guarantee you a service dog.
Declined Applicants
If your application is declined based on our outlined criteria, we will refer you to another organization that may be able to assist.
Accepted Applicants
There will be a waiting time from the time of the approval of your application until you are placed with a service dog. The time varies and the Director of Training will discuss this with you.
Application Process:
- After you have submitted a full application and your application is reviewed, we will notify you within one week of the status of your application.
- It is your responsibility to have your DD-214, reference letters, and medical records submitted directly to Alpha Bravo Canine™, so please contact your two references and advise them to submit directly to us. If they choose to submit via mail that can be sent to Alpha Bravo Canine P.O. Box 850 Newtown, Pa 18940. Your reference letters should consist of one reference that should not be directly related to you as well as a health care provider reference (psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, social worker). All references submitted are kept confidential. Please make sure that we received these reference letters within TWO weeks of submission.
- We will have a phone interview with the applicant if we have any questions about anything submitted in the application.
- Once a completed application is received and if you meet our minimum qualifications for the donation of a service dog, you will interview with our behavior health team.
- After verifying your information and after careful and thoughtful discussion we will notify you if we are able to match you with an Alpha Bravo Canine® service dog.
- If you do not respond to emails from our Veteran Coordinator or Director of Training within two requests, we will assume that you are no longer interested in obtaining a service dog and your application will be removed. Kindly provide an email and contact information that you monitor DAILY.
If you are paired with an Alpha Bravo Canine® service dog you will be required to participate in mandatory one on one training classes so you can learn what your dog has learned. The length of classes will vary and will be discussed with the applicant. The minimum amount of time will be two weeks with daily training
Alpha Bravo Canine™ does train owner train teams, please email us for more information.

Recertification Requirement
You are required to have your dog go through recertification twice a year for the first two years. After that recertification is done on a yearly basis.
Ongoing Relationship
Alpha Bravo Canine® requires that you remain in contact with us throughout the year. We will call you monthly to make sure that things continue to go well. If you do not wish to have this ongoing relationship please do not apply to Alpha Bravo Canine®. We will refer you to another organization if you wish. If your phone number, email, or address changes we need to be updated immediately. We also need an emergency contact phone number
Exercising Your Dog Every Day
Alpha Bravo Canine® requires that you provide at least one hour of off-leash outdoor exercise for your dog every day in a fenced area. This is required no matter what the weather is outside. This will also include days that you may not be feeling well or even just tired. Dogs need daily exercise. Alpha Bravo Canine® will take back a dog that is not well-exercised. Just like humans, dogs need to unwind and we are very serious about the emotional and physical health of our dogs. You must also train with your dog on a daily basis to retain their knowledge of obedience and task training.
Working Dog/Working Human
Alpha Bravo Canine® dogs have had extensive training with thousands of hours dedicated to them from the Director of Training, certified dog trainers, puppy raising families, and volunteers. The training does not stop once the dog is placed in the candidate’s home. Your dog has been taught a variety of different skills, but these skills need to be maintained on a daily basis. Ask yourself are you willing to work on a daily basis with your dog? You are a part of a working team that includes a handler. Training also builds the bond between humans and dogs.
Family Life
Your dog will be a part of your family which also includes your human family, friends, coworkers, and community. Not everyone is a dog lover, please think about this before bringing a dog into your home. You must have appropriate space for your dog to live. Most of our dogs could range in size of 60-90 pounds. Dogs will shed, drool, lick, and do normal dog things. You will be expected to carry poop bags with you at all times when your dog is out in public with you.
Financial Responsibility
You will be responsible financially for your dogs starting on graduation day. We require all of our dogs to eat high-quality foods and recommendations will be discussed with you. Plan on spending approximately $70 per month just on dog kibble. You will be required to provide veterinary care by making sure that your dog receives appropriate vaccinations as well as caring for sick or injured care. Toys are a necessity for dogs as well as appropriate chews. All of this will be discussed with candidates.