Service Dog Application Process
Veterans of the US Military who fought in overseas combat and now suffer from a disability-related to their wartime service.
Zero dollars and zero cents. Thank you for your service.
You will be contacted by our Veteran Coordinator to review your application and then will be referred to our Behavior Specialist who will set up an interview. Once that is completed, your full application will be reviewed and if you meet the requirements an appointment will be set up to discuss our program along with wait times, expectations, and follow-through.
It will vary from month to month depending on a few different things such as how many dogs do we have in the program and how many veterans have been approved to receive one. Puppies start training at 8 weeks old, and they graduate when they are between 1 and a half and 2 years old. So typically, the wait time can be anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. You will be well informed of everything.
General Questions?
We were founded in Bucks County, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania and our training space is in the suburbs of Bucks County, Pennsylvania located in Bucks County.
That is a great question! We hold our annual Dining out with the Dogs at White dog Café. We also hold smaller events throughout the year, Community grants and corporate and individual donors.
We work with local breeders.
Yes, our complaint policy is available upon request. Email us at [email protected]

Puppy Raiser Family Questions?
All families must commit to attending an orientation class prior to the puppy’s arrival. The puppy raiser family and pup must also participate in weekly training classes. Please email [email protected] to ask any questions.
The family will commit to fostering for up to 18 months.
Yes. The puppy needs to be comfortable in a variety of settings, meeting new people, and encountering different environments. The puppy will wear the Service Dog In Training vest at all times in public settings. Puppy Raising families will expose the dogs to hundreds of different environments and setting to prepare them for a life of working.
The Director of Training and Puppy Raising Coordinator will evaluate the other dog and home environment to ensure a match.
The puppy will begin socialization, training, and field trips right away. Field trips are started as soon as potty training is consistent.
At Alpha Bravo Canine we not only want people to know what we do, but we also want them to know the important reasons why!
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD develops in response to experiencing a life-threatening event. Even when the person is no longer in danger, he or she may become overwhelmed with anxiety and believe that they are still in the situation. PTSD can occur after a person experiences any kind of trauma. Not everyone who faces a traumatic event develops PTSD, but 7- 8 out of every 100 people do. In veterans, this number is even more drastic, rising to 11- 20 per every 100 veterans who served in Operations of Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Enduring Freedom (OEF). Here are common symptoms to look for in yourself or others you feel may be at risk:
- Reexperiencing Events
- This could occur through flashbacks, dreams, or thoughts.
- Avoidance
- Making active decisions to shy from particularly triggering situations physically and mentally.
- Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
- Behavioral differences such as sudden mood swings, feelings of anxiety, and insomnia.
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
Traumatic Brain Injuries develop after the head faces a sudden impact or collision. After the incident, a person may experience a loss of consciousness lasting anywhere from a moment to a few minutes. The symptoms of PTSD involve both physical and psychological difficulties whereas TBI’s have primarily physical side effects. Some of these include:
- Difficulty in remembering or concentrating
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Blurred vision
In more extreme cases a person may experience:
- Inability to awake after sleeping
- Vomiting and nausea
- Convulsions or seizures

Reach Out
If you are in need of more information, particularly if you are a friend or family member of someone with a TBI click here.
If you have a TBI and would like to learn more about the condition click here.
Veterans Crisis Hotline (800) 273-TALK (8255)
National Veterans Foundation Hotline (888) 777-4443